Last update: May 23, 2018.
Contact details:
Superstar B.V.
Florijnstraat 12
4903 RM Oosterhout N.B. The Netherlands
Personal data that we process
Superstar B.V. processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide them yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data that we process:
First and last name
Adress data
Phone number
E-mail address
Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile on this website, in correspondance and by telephone
Location data
Information about your activities on our websites
List of customer contact details via an app
Internetbrowser en device type
Bank account number
Superstar B.V. processes the following special and / or sensitive personal data of you:
For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data
Superstar B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes::
Handeling your payment
Sending our newsletter and / or advertising brochure
To be able to call or e-mail you if necesaary in order to perform our services
To inform you about changes to our services and products
U de mogelijkheid te bieden een account aan te maken
To deliver goods and services to you
Superstar B.V. analyzes your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and to tailor the range of products and services to your preferences
Superstar B.V. also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as information that we need for our tax return